The results of the Marathi Drama Competition ‘A’ Group organized by Kala Academy from 5th Dec., 2019 to 30th Dec., 2019 at Dinanath Mangeshkar Kala Mandir, Panaji, have been declared and accordingly “Palshetchi Vihir ” staged by Rudreshwar, Panaji have been awarded the first prize of Rs 1,00,000/-. “Yelkot” staged by Shree Naguesh Mahalaxmi Prasadik Natyasamaj, Bandivade-Ponda and “Avaran” staged by Natrang Creations, Narve have won second and third Prizes of Rs 75,000/- and Rs 50,000/ respectively. The Consolation prizes of Rs. 25,000/- each were awarded to “Rashomon” staged by Atharva Ved, Altinho-Panaji & “Tanmajori” staged by Shree Balsati Natyakala Sangh, Sukhtali-Dharbandora.
The first prize for best direction is awarded to Deepak Amonkar for the drama “Palshetchi Vihir”, Shri. Ajit Kerkar for the drama “Yelkot” and Shri. Santosh Shetkar for the drama “Avaran” have bagged second and third prize respectively for the best direction.
The first prize for best acting in male category was bagged by Abhishek Naik for the role of Shridhar in the drama “Yelkot” whereas the second prize was awarded to Shri. Mayur Mayenkar for the role of Kaliram in the drama “Rashomon” . The merit certificates of acting (male) have been awarded to Deepak Amonkar – Tatyasaheb Kolhatkar (Palshetchi Vihir), Milind Barve – Narayan Shastri (Avaran), Rutuj Shet Verekar – Vashya (Tanmajori), Venkatesh Gaunekar– Halwai/Esam/Inspector (Budbud Re Ghagari), Saurabh Karkhanis – Siraj (Do Bajniye), Amogh Budkule – Ashok (Yelkot) & Vishwajit Fadte – Dhronacharya (Dhronacharya- Punha Ekda.
The first prize for best acting in female category was awarded to Smt. Siddhi Upadhye for the role of Heera bai in the drama “Palshetchi Vihir” whereas the second prize in acting was bagged by Mamta Shirodkar for the role of Lakshmi Gouda” in the drama “Avaran”. The merit certificates of acting (Female) have been bagged by Pranjal Marathe – Manjiri (Yadruchha), Smt. Mangala Jamble – Shanichari (Rudali), Pradnya Kamat – Amu (Komal Ani Tivra Khidkya), Snehal Shetye – Stree (Rashomon), Sadhvi Maujekar – Sunanda (Yelkot), Purti Savardekar – Anjana (Boiled Beans On Toast), Padma Bhat – Mayavati (Chafa).
The best stage set up award was bagged by Mayur Kambli for the Drama “Boiled Beans On Toast,” whereas the merit certificate for stage set up was awarded to Shambunath Kerkar for the drama “Yelkot”. The best light effect award was secured by Satish Narvekar for the drama “Palshetchi Vihir” and the merit certificate was given to Santosh Shetkar for drama “Avaran”. The best costume award was awarded to Smt. Manuja Narvenkar Lokur for the drama “Palshetchi Vihir” and the merit certificate was bagged by Priyanka Naik for “Chafa”.
The best background music award was given to Kedar Manerikar for “Komal Ani Tivra Khidkya” whereas merit certificate was awarded to Sunny Rawool for “Rashomon”. The best make-up award was awarded to Eknath Naik for “Palshetchi Vihir” and the merit certificate was bagged by Amita Naik for “Do Bajniye”.
The first prize for specially written best script for the competition was awarded to Vijaykumar Naik for the script “Palshetchi Vihir” and the second prize was awarded to Milind Barve for the script “Avaran”. The prize for translated/adapted script for the drama competition is awarded to Dnyanesh Moghe for “Rashomon”.
The total number of entries received were 21 out of which only 18 plays were staged in this competition. The panel of judges consisting of Shri. Sunil Khanolkar (Mumbai), Shri Subhash Bhagwat (Mumbai) & Shri Rahul Anant Vaidya (Mumbai) judged the competition. Kala Academy has congratulated all the prize winners and the prize distribution of this competition and other drama competitions of Kala Academy will be declared at later stage. All are requested to make a note of the same.