Author Archives: Kala Academy

Inviting entries in One Act Play Competition at High School and Higher Secondary School/College

09 Oct 24
Kala Academy
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Entries for the One Act Play Competition at High School, Higher Secondary Schools/ College Level have been invited by Kala Academy Goa in the prescribed format of application so as to reach the same in the Kala Academy office  at Old Secretariat (Adil Shah Palace), Panaji-Goa latest  by 21st October 2024 by 4.00 p.m.

The participating institutions will have to pay Rs. 100/- as an entry fee with duly filled in entries in the prescribed format will  only be accepted. The amount shall be accepted in cash during office hours between 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and 2.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m in the accounts section of Kala Academy Goa.

All the entries should bear official seal duly signed by the Principal of the High School, Higher Secondary and College.

All the High Schools, Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges desirous of participating in the said competition may submit their entries within the stipulated date i.e on or before 21st October 2024. The entry forms are available free of charge at the reception counter of Kala Academy at Old Secretariat(Adil Shah Palace), Panaji during office hours on working days.

Press note “Open Examinations” (Solo Singing, Violin, Violoncello, Pianoforte, Classical Guitar & Electronic Keyboard) and Subsidiary Subjects (Solfeggio & Theory of Music), at the Department of Western Music of Kala Academy Goa

26 Sep 24
Kala Academy
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The Department of Western Music of Kala Academy Goa, will be holding “Open Examinations” in the various Main Subjects (Solo Singing, Violin, Violoncello, Pianoforte, Classical Guitar & Electronic Keyboard) and Subsidiary Subjects (Solfeggio & Theory of Music), at present offered in the Department. The examinations are open to all, aged 8 and above.  The purpose of holding the above examination is towards providing a forum to evaluate the musical skills of students so that they can be improved upon.

The Application Forms along with the Rules and the details of the fees are available at the Office of Kala Academy Goa, Old Secretariat Bldg., (Adil Shah Palace), during office hours (Monday to Friday).  However, necessary fees along with the duly filled in Application Form and a copy of Identity Proof will be accepted in the office of Kala Academy Goa, latest by 30th  October 2024 by 4.00 p.m.  Applications will not be accepted after the due date and time.

The Director, Department of Western Music of Kala Academy Goa reserves the right to reject incomplete applications and decision of Kala Academy Goa in this matter will be final.

कला अकादमी गोंय,भारतीय संगीत आनी नृत्य विभाग हांच्या वतीन “अमृताभिषेक “हो संगीतमय कार्यक्रम

18 Sep 24
Kala Academy
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कला अकादमी गोंय, भारतीय संगीत आनी नृत्य विभाग हांच्या वतीन “अमृताभिषेक “हो संगीतमय कार्यक्रम. फामाद गायक आणि संगीत दिग्दर्शक पं.जितेंद्र अभिषेकी हांच्या रचनांचो कलात्मक आविष्कार..ही कार्यावळ कला अकादमीच्या मास्टर दीनानाथ मंगेशकर कला मंदीरात ३१ ऑगस्ट २०२४ ह्या दिसा संपन्न जाली..पद्मश्री पुरस्कार, संगीत नाटक अकादमीची ज्येष्ठ फेलोशिप फावो जाल्ले श्री विनायक खेडेकार मानाचे सोयरे म्हण हाजीर अशिल्ले. वांगडी सचिव श्री अरविंद खुटकार हांची खासा उपस्थिती अशिल्ली.

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