Author Archives: Kala Academy

Result of One Act Play Competition in Marathi, Konkani & English Section at Higher Secondary/College Level

30 Jan 20
Kala Academy
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2nd prize winning Drama "Lagna Fere"
2nd prize winning Drama "Lagna Fere"
2nd prize winning Drama "Lagna Fere"
3rd prize winning Drama "Andha Yug"
2nd prize winning Drama "Lagna Fere"
3rd prize winning Drama "Andha Yug"
3rd prize winning Drama "Andha Yug"
1st prize winning Drama "Bhaval"
1st prize winning Drama "Bhaval"
1st prize winning Drama "Bhaval"

Puruliya chau workshop

22 Jan 20
Kala Academy
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“ Puruliya Chau ”- workshop was conducted by team leader Manohar Kumar from West Bengal with the group of 18 peoples.  This workshop was conducted on 17th January 2020 in Black Box which was attended by the students of College of Theatre Arts and School of Drama.

Click here for photo gallery

Inviting Entries in Tiatr ‘B’ Group Competition

20 Jan 20
Kala Academy
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Kala Academy Goa has invited entries from interested Tiatr Groups for participation in the 6th Tiatr ‘B’ Group Competition which is to be held at Ravindra Bhavan, Vasco from 1st week of March 2020 onwards.. The last date for submission of entry forms for the Tiatr ‘B’ Group Competition is 28th January 2020 by 4.00 p.m. The entry forms will be available in the Kala Academy during office hours on working days w.e f from 21st January 2020 for interested groups.

The duly filled in entry forms along with the cash remittance of entry fee Rs. 500/- and security deposit Rs. 5,000/- will be accepted latest by 4.00 p.m. till the stipulated last date for receipt of entries. The cash timings are 10.00 a.m to 1.15 p.m and 2.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m on all working days. The participating institutions are also required to submit their valid registration/ renewal certificate compulsorily along with the entry form failing which entries will not be accepted. The draw to decide sequence of performance by lots will be taken on 28th January 2020 at 5.00 p.m. at the meeting room of Kala Academy.

The rules and Regulations of the competition have been revised and as per revised rules only New scripts and new and original songs (Cantaram) will be accepted for the competition. It is clarified that ‘New written’ script means the script which is new written and staged for the first time in the Kala Academy’s Tiatr Competition. Likewise, ‘New and original songs’ means the songs which are composed for the competition and sung for the first time in Kala Academy’s Tiatr Competition. The interested participant groups are required to submit their entries by going carefully through all the revised rules and accordingly submit their entries after fulfilling the eligibility and compliance to the rules/regulations of the competition.

All the interested participating institutions are required to take note and accordingly submit their entry forms. Kala Academy has, therefore, appealed to the Tiatr institutions to note the schedule of availability of entry forms and also submission of entries for the competition and submit the same on or before the aforesaid date i.e 28th January 2020.

Inviting entries in Nakshatra Utsav

16 Jan 20
Kala Academy
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Applications on plain paper are invited by Kala Academy Goa from interested young performers between the age group of 18 to 35 years in the field of Classical Music -Vocal & Instrumental and Dance to participate in Nakshatra Utsav- State Level Festival, so as to reach Kala Academy Goa latest by 20th Jan.,2020. Participants should submit their details such as Full Name, Contact No, Education in Music/Dance, Music Guru/Teacher, Experience and other relevant details like discipline etc and the application should be addressed to The Member Secretary, Kala Academy, Campal- Panaji-Goa, 403001. The music institutions in Goa can also forward the names of the students along with all the details mentioned above. Applications could also be forwarded on Kala Academy Email Id:

Participants to make a note that the final selection to participate in the Nakshatra Utsav will be through auditions on a date fixed by Kala Academy Goa which will be informed after the scrutiny of applications received.

Nakshatra Utsav is a project undertaken by Kala Academy Goa to provide an exposure to showcase the talent of young performers at the state level in the performing arts like Classical Vocal, Instrumental (Tabla, Harmonium, Flute, Sitar) and Classical dances like Bharatanatyam & Kathak.

All the interested young artists to take note of the above and submit their applications alongwith enclosure by the stipulated last date i.e 20th January 2020.

Result of Marathi Drama’A’ Group Competition 2019-20

02 Jan 20
Kala Academy
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The results of the Marathi Drama Competition ‘A’ Group organized by Kala Academy from 5th Dec., 2019 to 30th Dec., 2019 at Dinanath Mangeshkar Kala Mandir, Panaji, have been declared and accordingly “Palshetchi Vihir ” staged by Rudreshwar, Panaji have been awarded the first prize of Rs 1,00,000/-. “Yelkot” staged by Shree Naguesh Mahalaxmi Prasadik Natyasamaj, Bandivade-Ponda  and “Avaran” staged by Natrang Creations, Narve  have won second and third Prizes of Rs 75,000/- and Rs 50,000/ respectively. The Consolation prizes of Rs. 25,000/- each were awarded to “Rashomon” staged by Atharva Ved, Altinho-Panaji & “Tanmajori” staged by Shree Balsati Natyakala Sangh, Sukhtali-Dharbandora.

The first prize for best direction is awarded to Deepak Amonkar for the drama “Palshetchi Vihir”,  Shri. Ajit Kerkar  for the drama “Yelkot” and Shri. Santosh Shetkar  for the drama “Avaran” have bagged second and third prize respectively for the best direction.

The first prize for best acting in male category was bagged by Abhishek Naik for the role of Shridhar in the drama “Yelkot” whereas the  second prize was awarded to Shri. Mayur Mayenkar for the role of Kaliram in the drama “Rashomon” . The merit certificates of acting (male) have been awarded to Deepak Amonkar – Tatyasaheb Kolhatkar (Palshetchi Vihir), Milind Barve – Narayan Shastri (Avaran), Rutuj Shet Verekar – Vashya (Tanmajori),  Venkatesh Gaunekar– Halwai/Esam/Inspector (Budbud Re Ghagari), Saurabh Karkhanis – Siraj (Do Bajniye), Amogh Budkule – Ashok (Yelkot) & Vishwajit Fadte – Dhronacharya (Dhronacharya- Punha Ekda.

The first prize for best acting in female category was awarded to Smt. Siddhi Upadhye for the role of Heera bai in the drama “Palshetchi Vihir” whereas the second prize in acting was bagged by Mamta Shirodkar for the role of Lakshmi Gouda” in the drama “Avaran”. The merit certificates of acting (Female) have been bagged by Pranjal Marathe – Manjiri (Yadruchha),  Smt. Mangala Jamble – Shanichari (Rudali), Pradnya Kamat – Amu (Komal Ani Tivra Khidkya), Snehal Shetye – Stree (Rashomon), Sadhvi Maujekar – Sunanda (Yelkot), Purti Savardekar – Anjana (Boiled Beans On Toast), Padma Bhat – Mayavati (Chafa).

The best stage set up award was bagged by Mayur Kambli   for the Drama “Boiled Beans On Toast,” whereas the merit certificate  for stage set up was awarded to Shambunath Kerkar for the drama “Yelkot”. The best  light effect award was secured by Satish Narvekar  for the drama “Palshetchi Vihir” and the merit certificate was given to Santosh Shetkar for drama “Avaran”. The best costume award  was awarded to Smt. Manuja Narvenkar Lokur for  the  drama “Palshetchi Vihir”  and  the  merit certificate was  bagged  by Priyanka Naik  for  “Chafa”.

The best background music award was given to  Kedar Manerikar for “Komal Ani Tivra Khidkya” whereas merit certificate was awarded to Sunny Rawool  for “Rashomon”. The best make-up award was awarded to Eknath Naik  for “Palshetchi Vihir” and the merit certificate was bagged by Amita Naik  for “Do Bajniye”.

The first prize for specially written best  script for the competition was awarded to Vijaykumar Naik for the script “Palshetchi Vihir” and the second prize was awarded to Milind Barve for the script “Avaran”.  The prize for translated/adapted script for the drama competition  is awarded to Dnyanesh  Moghe for “Rashomon”.

 The total number of entries received were 21 out of which only 18 plays were staged in this competition. The panel of judges consisting of Shri. Sunil Khanolkar (Mumbai), Shri Subhash  Bhagwat (Mumbai) & Shri Rahul Anant Vaidya (Mumbai) judged the competition. Kala Academy has congratulated all the prize winners and the prize distribution of this competition and other drama competitions of Kala Academy will be declared at later stage. All are requested to make a note of the same.

Inviting entries in One Act Play Competition at Higher Secondary School & College Level

18 Dec 19
Kala Academy
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Entries for the One Act Play Competition at Higher Secondary Schools & College Level have been invited by Kala Academy Goa in the prescribed format of application so as to reach the same in the Kala Academy office  at Panaji-Goa latest  by 27th  December 2019 by 4.00 p.m.

The participating institutions will have to pay fee of Rs. 100/- for each play as an entry fee. The amount shall be accepted in cash during office hours between 10.00 a.m to 1.00 p.m and 2.00 p.m to 4.00 p.m in the accounts section of Kala Academy Goa. Duly filled in entries in the prescribed format and physically received in the hard copy format, will  only be accepted.

One Act plays to be staged by the concerned higher secondary schools and College institution as mentioned in the entry form will only be allowed for performances. Change in the name of One Act plays after submission of entries will not be entertained. All the entries should bear official seal duly signed by the Principal of the Higher Secondary and College.

All the Higher Secondary Schools/Colleges desirous of participating in the said competition may submit their entries within the stipulated date i.e on or before 27th Dec., 2019. The entry forms are available free of charge at the reception counter of Kala Academy during office hours on working days.